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About Our Team


Let's rise up as campuses, professors, deans, students, people- against rape culture language, against re-victimizing victims and FOR prevention- let's teach our students and peers to be mindful about consent.  

Need more information?

Mikaela Armstrong

Meet Mikaela, the founder of The Rise Up Campaign. She is a social work student who desires to put an end to the acceptance towards rape culture, re-victimimization, and to begin a conversation of understood respect for consent and rape prevention. One day, she hopes to be a victim advocate. She is currently in Ecuador simultaneously studying, interning for a human trafficking safe house, and working for the cause of Rise Up. Passionate about human rights and activism, she seeks to glorify the Lord in all she does while fighting for a transformed culture. 

Karina Acevedo

Meet Karina, the social media manager and one of the co-founders of The Rise Up Campaign. She is currently studying social work and theater, and hopes to become a mental health caseworker one day. Her desire for this campaign is to educate, start important conversations, stop slut-shaming and victim blaming, and end rape culture. 

Nik Cullen

Meet Nik Cullen, our lead designer and cinematographer. He enjoys designing graphics, utilizing his talents filming videos and taking pictures for The Rise Up Campaign. His role also includes researching, finding stories that help shine light on the subject of re-victimization and rape prevention- which social media typically likes to keep in the dark. 

Lucero Oceguera

Meet Lucero Oceguera! She is a sophomore, a sociology major and ethnic studies minor and is the co-manager of all social media accounts for #TheRiseUpCampaign. Lucero strives to fight for the social justice of all communities of color through various medians and the ending of #rapeculture in our society. In her free time, she loves to read, write, and perform spoken word poetry.  

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